The lupines (Lupinus), rarely called wolf bean belong to the legume family, as well as, for example, pea, chickpea and groundnut. [1]
Lupine contain largely heat-stable allergenic proteins. A lupine allergy often occurs as a cross sensitivity with allergens from soybeans, peanuts, green beans and peas. Equally the lupine allergy can lead to cross sensitivities.
In France lupine products are in fourth place in the order of foods that have led to anaphylactic reactions.
With increasing exposure to lupine flour in the population there will be an increasing occurrence of these allergies to lupine protein also in Germany. [2]
Because of the many benefits of lupines, they are often used in modern food industry. The sweet lupine flour can be added to, for example, various pasta and baked goods. Thus, processing properties, structure and nutritional value of dough in the bread or noodle industry are improved. [3]
Therefore, it is imperative with a lupine allergy to read the ingredients list of semi-finished and finished products and to advise service and kitchen personnel of this allergy.
Advantages of lupines
The high quality of lupines in the nutrition has long been known. Meanwhile, lupines have become a consumption compatible food with a very diverse application. They are like all legumes, gluten-free and thus the lupine flour has become a popular substitute flour for gluten-free products.
In addition, lupines are an interesting source of protein. Like soy, lupines can also be processed to make milk and tofu but also to protein concentrates and are therefore interesting for people with lactose intolerances or milk allergy, and also for vegetarians.
They are cholesterol free, compared to other protein-rich foods have a low purine content (important for rheumatic diseases) and have a high content of Vit B12 (which is otherwise only found in animal, fermented or bacterial products). In addition, the fat of the lupine grain is also high quality and contains as essential components of the two unsaturated fatty acids: oleic and linoleic acid and lecithin.
In addition, lupines have a very low glycemic index and do not increase blood sugar levels, need not be counted by diabetics and are used in modern low-carb or low-fat diet products. [4]